Thursday, July 14, 2011

He Ate Mud....?!?

 So you wanna know about my Boy Child? He is the spitting image of his daddy, a terror to his sisters and he is mommy's Little Man. Four years ago when the doctor told me that I was el preggo with a boy I had no idea what to expect. I have since learned that God truly does have a sense of humor because he created Boy Child. First off let me make it clear that I call him "The Boy Child" because I DO love him, its not meant to be ugly or unflattering. He is the one the only Noah-Henry. I had no idea what was in store for me. I knew that he would wear blue, and that he would be "tough" but I wasn't ready for the day that his loving sisters fed him mud.... and he ate it! My husband was deployed to Iraq for this little fiasco My girls NEVER put things in their mouth so I was shocked to see my little guy wearing his "Caption of Chaos" shirt covered in mud! It was everywhere! Running down his chin on his hands, legs EVERYWHERE! At a year old he didn't quite have the words to tell me what happened, only that  it was "not chocate" (chocolate) This was the first of many. I hope that you will stick around to see and read more about the Adventures of Boy Child.

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